so, today's the last day of seconday school lifebyebye bvss!! ((:
i hate my school lah.
but i love my class& friends[:
seriously, time really flies
4years had just pass
i can still remember the first day we stepped into bv
it feels only like a few months back?
must stay in touch alrights?
i'm like in the same class for 4years w:
meezhen, nur ain, benjamin, darren, sean, melvin,jie zhi, iwan, william&sowath
&the one w me since pri sch till now:
my lovely step-sis!
gawd, i can't picture the life in poly
i'll miss my friends! ):
i'm having headaches in the afternoon nowadays ):<
had post exam workshops
bio sucks
i was ald falling alseep
had chem extra lesson&ponned bio
workshops again
had this guy from idunnowhere in our sch to speak to us about eng
he's damn hilarious
butbutbut, i'm still falling asleep
i'm feeling damn tired.poos
the worse part was,
me&queenie was called to be sitted right under his nose!!
gosh, wanna sleep but cant sleep
it sucks can.
why is it forever that everdate that i like had to clash w sth to do w bio?!
always when i plan outings on sat, we'll have bio extra lesson,
then this coming 17 is out bio o'lv pract!
rahhrahhrahhh!!number 17!!
erk!i hate bio! D;<
me&hubby's blog(:
i wanna study!
&&&i have this big ulcer in my mouth now!
and it hurts whenever i move my mouth!! )':